
Thursday, December 24, 2015

19 Hilarious Ways People Responded To Wrong Number Texts

 1.Maybe he lucked out...because no girl goes, "Damn, I want to sleep with a guy who tries to get my attention by saying 'Aye Tina'."

Girls give guys wrong numbers all the time because sometimes we just feel way too bad to outright reject them...that, or the club is too loud so we just tap some numbers into their phone and hope they go away.

Yeah, I get that it isn't an ethical way to reject somebody, but hey, things happen and whatever; they'll get over it almost immediately when they realize they were duped. These poor people somehow texted the wrong numbers, but the responses they got from the recipients are too funny...for outsiders (not for the blue-balled dude who thought he was going to get some). Not all of these are texts to evil women who gave them the wrong number...some just happen to be the wrong number, and it's still funny as all hell!

Check it out:
2.And when in doubt, pull a Harry Potter reference out.

3.This poor guy just got his heart completely shattered.

4.Best wrong number text ever.

5.Answer the man's question, bruh.

6.Well, that explains it.

7.Well played, good sir, well played. He should've added, "Can your cat balance beer cans on his butt cheeks? No? Well, I don't want it."

8.A weird selfie for a weird selfie is only fair.

9.The person who ate that cookie is now freaking out...hardcore.

10.This guy kept getting people asking for Esther for the past six he finally gave up.


11.This guy just does NOT learn...

 12.Cue Chris crying about getting kicked out of the quartet.

13.Way #235 to make someone freak the hell out.


14.Definitely such a sexy response: "Yoohoo".

15.Not sure what's funnier, his claim that he's 11 inches fully erected or that Pam has a beard. 

16.I really don't think that was the picture he was hoping to receive...

17.That face does NOT look like an Elaine...

18.See, guys give fake numbers out, too!

19.This kid now thinks he's adopted. Pure evil. LOL.

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